
Author - La plantación

Albert Serra – November 2020

Workshop in the Countryside - ALBERT SERRA METHODOLOGY AND CONTEMPORARY CINEMA Filmmaking in the digital era November 20, 21 and 22, 2020 With their elements of the grotesque, the poetical and silent cinema, Albert Serra's films offer another vision of characters that are part of our collective imagination, showing them in all the absurdity of their everyday lives. Description of the...

Joan Fontcuberta – December 2020

Workshop in the Countryside - JOAN FONTCUBERTA POST-PHOTOGRAPHY: BETWEEN DOCUMENT AND FICTION December 11, 12 and 13, 2020 Considered worldwide as one of the great masters of contemporary photography, for more than four decades Joan Fontcuberta has focused his artistic activity in the field of photography on the conflicts between nature, technology, photography and truth.            ©...

Pedro Costa – August 2021

Taller de Verano – Pedro Costa . "Trabalho". 3, 4, 5 y 6 de Agosto de 2021 En colaboración con MDOC – Festival Internacional de Documentário de Melgaço. PORTUGAL. Descripción del Taller: Tomando como punto de partida su recorrido y sus películas, desde O Sangue a Ossos, de No Quarto da Vanda a Cavalo Dinheiro, de Onde jaz o...

Antoine D’Agata – Octubre 2020

Taller de Campo - ANTOINE D'AGATA.  AL LÍMITE DEL ACTO FOTOGRÁFICO.   23, 24 y 25 de Octubre de 2020. La reputación de Antoine d’Agata como maestro es extraordinaria. Algunos participantes han citado como “un taller con d’Agata es una experiencia que cambia tu vida”. Tiene una habilidad única para guiar al individuo a profundizar en...

Antoine D’agata – October 2020

Workshop in the Countryside - ANTOINE D'AGATA PUSHING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ACT October 23, 24 and 25, 2020 Antoine d'Agata's reputation as a teacher is extraordinary. Some participants have been quoted as saying "A workshop with d'Agata is an experience that changes your life". He has a unique ability to guide individuals in exploring their inner selves,...

Paulino Viota – October 2020

Workshop in the Countryside - PAULINO VIOTA THE CINEMA OF OTHERSFilmmakers go to the cinema October 16, 17 and 18, 2020 One of the most reputed, some might even say legendary, figures of Spanish cinema. Like those of Víctor Erice or José Luis Guerin, his is a name always associated with rigour and seriousness, but also with...

Joan Fontcuberta – March 2020

Workshop in the Countryside - JOAN FONTCUBERTA. PHOTOGRAPHY AS AN ARCHIVOLOGICAL PROCESS. March 13, 14 and 15, 2020 Both in his photographs and in his theoretical work, Fontcuberta's intention is to make an appeal to anyone observing an image. He appeals for a critical awareness, a critical distrust of the claim to absolute truth made by a certain current...